This board is made up of a diverse cross-section of the EMS profession. We are honored to have some of the most prestigious & respected leaders in the industry. This elite group provides extraordinary vision to the project.
William Atkinson
PhD, EMT-P, President Guidon Healthcare Consulting
James Augustine
MD Professor, Wright State University
Thomas Breyer
Assistant to the General President International Association of Fire Fighters
Anna Courie
DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, Health Strategist and Wellness Leader with AT&T
Dia Gainor
MPA, Executive Director NASEMSO
Hilary Gates
NRP, M.A. Ed. Educator & Author
Keith Griffiths
Partner, Red Flash Group
Gary Ludwig
Fire Chief, President & Board Chair International Association of Fire Chiefs
Mike McEvoy
PhD, NRP, RN, CCRN EMS Coordinator Saratoga County, New York
Daryl Osby
Fire Chief LA County Fire Department (Ret.)
John Peruggia
Chief of EMS Fire Department of New York, Ret
Aarron Reinert
MA, NRP, American Ambulance Association
Vincent Robbins
MS, FACHE, Retired President MONOC Mobile Health Services
Ron Stewart
MD, Professor Emeritus Dalhousie University
Jennifer Ugochukwu
BS, NRP MedStar Mobile Healthcare
Joe Woyjeck
Captain/Paramedic LA Co. Fire Department (RET.) & Vice President, LA Co. Fire Museum
Steve Wirth
Esq. EMT-P Page, Wolfberg and Wirth LLC
Doug Wolfberg
Esq, EMT, Page, Wolfberg & Wirth
- American Ambulance Association
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- Association of Public Safety Communication Officials
- California State Firefighters Association
- Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professions
- Emergency Nurses Association
- EMS Labor Alliance
- International Association of EMS Chiefs
- International College of Advanced Practice Paramedics
- National Volunteer Fire Council
- International Association of Fire Chiefs
- International Association of Fire Fighters
- National Association of EMS Educators
- National Association of EMS Physicians
- National Association of EMTs
- National Association of State EMS Officials
- National Emergency Number Association
- National EMS Management Association
- National Registry of EMTs
- Law Firm

- Strategic Marketing

- Media Partners

- Creative Agency

Special thanks to our Partners who have contributed their time and resources to assist us on this project
Partner Associations